VTXCart - Adaptation de cartouche 161-in-1 - changements de la liste de jeux

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Delta User Lv3
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Enregistré le : lun. 13 déc. 2021 11:27

Re: VTXCart - Adaptation de cartouche 161-in-1 - changements de la liste de jeux

Message par Brakvader »

Un petit post de récap:

Here are my cliff notes from doing a mvs cart that has dip style C/V rom daughter boards

This requires borderline advanced solder/desolder skills/tools. If this is not you, you will just break your cart.

Get 1 or more 161in1 V3 carts
Get the STM dev board, one that has an LCD screen
Get the dumper PCBs manufactured (Dumpers/Gerbers/)
Get 2.54mm dual row male+female headers
these will be used for connecting the STM dev board to the dumper boards
Get 1.27mm dual row female headers
You will want enough for 8 2x22 headers total (2x for the F0095H0 dumper board, 6x for the cart)
I would just get 2x50 and cut them down
Get a USB Blaster or something that can program the CLPDs

Populate the Compiler/Games/ dirs per the readme.txt in (Compiler/Games/)
Edit Compiler/bin/games.txt to contain the list of games to be included in the cart
Run Compiler/bin/_run.bat, this will create
Not all games are supported. The compiler will error out if you have one in your list
Copy each Compiler/bin/Verilog/ .inc into the correct CPLD/MVS/*/rtl/ folder
Use Quartus 13.0sp1 to compile/program the CLPDs with the corresponding CLPD/MVS/*/ projects

Install the 2.54 female headers into the STM board pointing down
Install the 2.54 male headers into the dumpers boards pointing up
Install the 1.27mm female headers into the F0095H0 dumper board
Important these need to be angled inward slightly because the spacing between the rows on the dumper board is off
Program Dumpers/Firmware/bin/cart.bin onto the STM dev board
Desolder all the flash chips from the carts
for C/V desolder the daughter board not the actual flash chip
Install the 1.27mm female headers into the cart at the C/V flash header locations
Put/Solder the flash chips onto the dumper boards and program them with the corresponding Compiles/bin/ROM/ files
Important: F0095H0 comes on a daughter board, when installed into the dumper board the F0095H0 chip should be facing inward, under the STM dev board.
Reinstall the flash chips into the cart
Cross fingers it works cause you just spent many many hours doing all that

Ça explique un peu, comme je l'avais dis avant, il faut partir d'une ou 2 "161 in 1"
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Enregistré le : dim. 27 mars 2022 21:35

Re: VTXCart - Adaptation de cartouche 161-in-1 - changements de la liste de jeux

Message par Chris® »

interéssant :)

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